Welcome to The Shadowed Circle, the first pulp-comic-radio journal dedicated to The Shadow in more than two decades. We are a volunteer publication with an international outreach and we exist only by the goodwill of Shadow fans around the world and their contributions of writing and artwork for the publication. Our premiere issue was published in July 2021, just in time for the 90th Anniversary of the Shadow Magazine.

We are currently bringing you new issues of TSC, and we hope you will join us in celebrating this exciting character. If you are interested in subscribing to our magazine, please fill out the subscription form on the Subscription page, or follow and contact us at our Facebook page. If you'd like to be a part of our Newsletter, fill out the Newsletter boxes at the bottom of the page. Below is our News Updates, which will announce new developments and progress with the magazine. Thank you for visiting, and report received! 



Compendium Released for Discount Prices!

After months of waiting, The Shadowed Circle Compendium has been released! A mixture of both old and new articles fill the Compendium's pages, and the trusty key created by our layout manager can help you find them in the Table of Contents. New articles include "The Shadowed Seven", where different Shadow creators and fans list their seven favorite Shadow stories, and "The Shadow in Fan Publications", which talks about The Shadow's history in fanzines.

These new articles will also ONLY be featured in the Compendium, so buy your copy today if you haven't already! The book is available on both Amazon and here on our website (links below), though we highly recommend buying it through our website. Both the hardcover and paperback versions are offered there at discounted prices, and the digital edition of the Compendium is only available there. Whatever your preference, get your copy ASAP!

---Compendium on Our Website: Compendium Page

---Hardcover Compendium on Amazon: Hardcover Link

---Paperback Compendium on Amazon: Paperback Link

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The Shadowed Circle Article Writing Contest

We are officially announcing our Article Writing Contest! We have started our next year of Shadowed Circle publishing, and we need new content for the upcoming year. As such, we're hosting this contest to get some new material, as well as providing an opportunity for our readers to write for us! There will also be prizes for a certain number of submissions based on editorial decision.

The deadline has been extended to Feb. 28, but don't hesitate to get your articles in! Check out the image below for more details, and check out our Submissions page to get an idea of what we want. Good luck!

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Issue #6 is Out!

Issue #6 of The Shadowed Circle has been released! Apologies for the late announcement here on the website; with both our Compendium Kickstarter and the release of this issue, we were positively flooded with things to do. Domestic subscribers should have received their issues by now, and most international subscribers should have them now as well.

Being a special themed issue, we've got a lot of great articles focused on Shadow agent Myra Reldon in this one. Tim King provides a checklist of Myra's appearances in THE SHADOW MAGAZINE, Malcolm Deeley talks about one of Myra's rare comic book appearances in THE DEATH OF MARGO LANE, and Will Murray talks about The Shadow's Chinatown stories and how Myra was indelibly linked to the locale through her Ming Dwan disguise.

If any of these articles interest you, but you don't have a subscription, please visit our Amazon Links page to get Issue #6 and our entire backlog of issues. And if you'd like to get a subscription for the next three-issue cycle of The Shadowed Circle, you can visit our Subscription page. Make sure you don't miss a single issue!

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Shadowed Circle #5 Released!

Issue #5 of The Shadowed Circle has been released! We apologize for the late announcement on the website, but we were doing some housecleaning here and plain forgot to do the update. Domestic subscribers should mostly have received their issues by now, and international subscribers will be receiving theirs in the next few weeks.

We've got a lot of great articles in this one, ranging from Malcolm Deeley's ongoing series discussing The Shadow in world history to Dick Myers' examination of the inner workings of The Shadow's organization. We also have a few newcomers like Loyd Auerbach and MJ Moran, writing about their para-psychological interactions with Walter B. Gibson and comparisons between The Shadow and Doc Savage's first stories respectively.

If these articles catch your interest and you are not yet subscribed, please fill out the subscription form on this website. You won't want to miss this issue!

Shadowed Circle Issue Five

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Issue #4 Coming to You!

Our distribution manager has informed us that he is sending out Issue #4 of The Shadowed Circle! Within the next few weeks, Issue #4 will be in every physical subscriber's mailbox. Digital subscribers will receive their issues soon as well. This is going to be a special issue, for we are publishing a long-lost essay by accomplished fanzine writer and Shadow pulp collector Dick Myers. We will also feature articles examining The Shadow's team-ups with Doc Savage and the inspirations behind Shadow mythos like the B. Jonas office and The Cobalt Club.

If you aren't subscribed yet and would like to be, please fill out the subscription form on this website. This is one issue you do not want to miss!

Shadowed Circle 4 On The Way

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